McTimoney chiropractic was developed almost thirty years ago and is named after its originator, John McTimoney. His whole-body style of treatment offers a refined, effective and safe treatment developed from mainstream chiropractic and based on the sound chiropractic principles as originally taught at the first chiropractic college, The Palmer College in the USA. The technique is currently taught at the McTimoney College of Chiropractic, which is accredited by the GCC.
McTimoney Chiropractic is a straightforward method of adjusting the bones of the body, using a variety of techniques and no instruments other than the hands of the practitioner. At every treatment the skeletal system is assessed as a whole and adjustments are made to the limbs and head, as well as the pelvis and spine. To the observer, and usually the receiver, McTimoney Chiropractic seems, and is, extremely light, with rarely any cavitation or “popping” of the joints. The key to the success of the adjustments is the speed, dexterity and accuracy with which they are performed.
The gentle nature of the treatment makes McTimoney chiropractic especially suitable for people of all ages including; babies, young children, pregnant women, those with osteoporosis and the elderly. The treatment is beneficial for a wide range of complaints ranging from back, neck and shoulder pain, stiffness and pain in joints and bones, tension headaches and migraines, to whiplash and sports injuries and general muscular aches and pains.
What To Expect From Your First Treatment
Your chiropractor will first take a full case history regarding your general health background as well as details of your symptoms. This will help in assessing and analysing your particular problem. They will then thoroughly examine all the joints in your body, literally from head to toe, using only their hands and make the appropriate adjustments where necessary. McTimoney chiropractors have a very finely tuned sense of touch, developed in their four years of training, which enables them to feel for misalignments of the vertebrae and bones. Upon feeling a problem, your chiropractor will use one of a number of light, swift and dextrous techniques, unique to McTimoney chiropractic to adjust the bone.
How Will You Feel After Treatment?
There is a whole range of sensations that you can experience after treatment. The most important thing to remember is that change is a sign that your body is beginning to adapt to the adjustments it has received. • Feeling better: relief from pain as your body becomes better aligned can make you feel straighter, taller and altogether more balanced. • Feeling worse before feeling better: while your body is adjusting to its new alignment, the shape and size of the painful area may change, or new pains and aches may emerge due to positional changes in your body. You may experience stiffness and soreness as the muscle tensions change and you may find previous aches and pains recur. These effects will disappear as your body settles down after treatment. • Tiredness: you may feel tired after treatment and may sleep well following the relaxation of deep tensions in your body. • Headaches: the release of waste products as your body heals can cause headaches. Drinking plenty of water will help to flush them out. • Emotional changes: these are quite normal and often reflect the release of tension in the muscles. • Menstrual cycle: periods may become heavier or lighter, less painful or shorter. Any changes usually settle once the body has adjusted to its new alignment. • Dizziness: you may feel light-headed and dizzy due to the release of tension and increased blood flow to the brain. • Medication: anyone taking medication, e.g. diabetics, will need to monitor their medication before and after treatment.
How Many Sessions Will You Need?
The number of sessions needed varies considerably depending on:
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- Your age: you generally heal more slowly as you get older.
- The nature of your problem: a simple backache will often clear more quickly than a sciatic problem.
- How long have you had the problem: generally yesterday’s injury will resolve faster than one 20 years’ standing.
Most patients need between two and ten sessions, initially at weekly intervals, then gradually more widely spaced out, by which time a noticeable change should have occurred, though treatment can continue for longer. Once the problem has been resolved, regular check-ups are recommended to keep your spine and other joints functioning well.
[boxibt style=”success”]Information Courtesy of
: McTimoney Chiropractic Association 21 High Street Eynsham Oxon OX8 1HE Tel: 01865 880974 Fax: 01865 880957 Email:
For Further information visit the website Website: [/boxibt]