By Lynn Wilkes


McTimoney Chiropractic is a drugless and non-surgical form of therapy that treats causes, rather than symptoms. The term “Chiropractic” means done by hand. McTimoney Chiropractors restore health by adjusting the spine and other joints in the body using only their hands. The McTimoney Chiropractic adjustments are unique in that the speed of the adjustments makes it a gentle treatment to receive. A McTimoney Chiropractor considers that the body benefits from having periodic chiropractic treatments on a preventive basis so those incipient problems may be avoided.

This case study is on a ten-year-old boy with a six-year history of bilateral leg pain, which was thoroughly investigated by conventional methods including physciatric and physcology assessments. It shows the improvements gained by a course of treatments and a dramatic change in his quality of life. Going from not joining in on all the sporting and normal games boys play at school and having to take regular medication for pain relief to playing football at school and riding his bike.

Presenting symptoms

1) Pain in the left shin, knee, radiating up to thigh since 1995, also has a short leg

When in acute pain this was so painful that he screamed and was unable to weight bear, reducing to a dull ache which he was aware of most of the time. Walking or any form of exercise increased pain, so all movements were limited. The sleep was disturbed sleep. The pain was a deep stabbing. There was no obvious trigger for the onset of this pain. It was necessary to taken Ibuprofen medicine daily and he often used a tubigrip support bandage.

2) Pain in right shin and knee radiating to thigh since 1998

Again this developed over night, of unknown origin, disturbing sleep as the pain started to occur in both legs simultaneously. It was so painful that it was necessary for him to miss school frequently, and nearly always was excused from sports at school. All exercise was difficult, even walking most days. He never went outside to play as his mother was worried that other children may injure him. He was always exhausted by very little activity, the pain sometimes occurred in sleep or sitting watching TV. It was only ever relieved by medication, a support bandage and rest.

Presenting as a very quite ten year old boy, only answering questions when they were directly addressed to him, I noted that he was very short and thin for his age and could have easily been mistaken for a child that was much younger. He limped into the clinic wearing his support elastic bandage.

Treatments received

We discussed about the delivery of McTimoney adjustments being delivered at speed, which enabled them to be gentle and relatively painless. On each treatment session the patient was assessed and given a whole body McTimoney Chiropractic treatment. McTimoney Chiropractic involves an holistic treatment, which would involve me treating the whole body and not just addressing the symptoms.

I advised that the treatments would be carried out on a weekly basis being reassessed on each visit and may require from two to six sessions depending on his progress. Then increasing the space between until he is on a maintenance programme, which would involve attending for treatments between two and four treatments per year on average to enable him to hopefully be relieved of these symptoms and maintain skeletal alignment.

[boxibt style=”gray”]Treatment One

On examination he presented with 1/2inch leg length difference and a marked rotation of the pelvis on the right accompanied by tilt and torsion. Three gentle adjustments immediately resolved the leg length discrepancy.

Following the first treatment it was emphasised the possible treatment reactions, and the importance that he had plenty to drink, which he then did here whilst his parents asked questions relating to them selves. Avoid hot baths/showers for the first twenty four to forty eight hours. Not to avoid exercise if he felt he wanted to but to avoid PE at school for one week until first treatment could be evaluated.

We discussed how he spends his leisure time, and agreed that it would be better if he did not sit with his legs tucked up under him, or continue to sleep on the settee in the daytime if he felt unwell. He was to return back to bed if he felt very tired, and to be aware more of his posture. This is something mum was going to monitor.
[boxibt style=”gray”]Treatment Two

Reactions following the last treatment were very deep sleep and a little stiff the next morning. He stopped medication and only wore a support bandage when kicking football in the garden with his brother. This activity reactivated the pain pattern. He had experienced several consecutive days symptom free.

On the second treatment we discussed him re starting PE at school, as he was able to kick a football at home with his brother with out any problems. Mother to monitor energy levels and any complaints of aches and pains.
[boxibt style=”gray”]Treatment Three

Treatment reactions: – sore neck and pain in right shoulder/ clavicle, which resolved in a few hours. Maintained correct alignment well so we agreed to review him again in four weeks.

Following the third treatment we agreed that he could resume all PE and sporting activities if he wished, and his mother felt she could now let him play outside supervised by his elder brother.As he sits at the computer for long spells he agreed to try a wedge cushion, this will enable him to practise keeping his posture.
[boxibt style=”gray”]Treatment Four

Requested by Mother earlier due to sudden on set of acute pain.
Treatment reactions: – Slept heavily no problems until this afternoon. Admitted to having a fight with his brother and pain immediately returned.

Return of the marked rotation of the pelvis. I noted the inversion of the left foot and the absence now of any natural arches. Mum did confirm that he had been prescribed both a shoe raise in the past and arch supports both of which had been rejected.

I recommended that Mum should consult her GP and the request for orthotics is reassessed. Problems maintaining natural arches results in a change in gait which contributes to recurrent misalignments in the pelvis i.e.: – rotation, torsion and tilt.

Balance of his pelvis tended to last six weeks depending on the physical activities which meant with frequent treatments he was able to return to full time education stop wearing the support bandage and no Ibuprofen medicine. Due to the long waiting time to receive orthotics via the NHS the parents paid privately for their Sons orthotics. Wearing orthotics in his shoes daily means his chiropractic treatments have been reduced to six monthly reviews.

The life style change has been dramatic in this case and one child has joined his class full time again plays football for the school and copes well with all the walking but more importantly is not any different from any other child of that age. Chiropractic treatment alone was not enough to completely resolve this case it is important to remember that in all aspects of health care we work as a team for the common goal improving the patient’s quality of life.

Wearing orthotics has returned their son back to being a normal eleven-year-old boy. I suggested a reassessment sooner than the planned six-month appointment if any of his symptoms reoccurs.
[boxibt style=”success”]About the Author


Lynn Wilkes graduated as a Chiropractor in 1999 having trained for four years at the McTimoney Chiropractic College in Oxford. She is a member of the McTimoney Chiropractic Association, a member of the College of Chiropractors. Lynn is also both an clinic tutor and has been a technique instructor for many years

Lynn practises at
Lynn Wilkes McTimoney Chiropractic Clinic

58 Beechwood Park Rd,

Solihull, West Midlands B91 1ES

0121-705-9030 or 07956421447

Before training as a Chiropractor Lynn worked as a Nurse for twenty- eight years in most of the Birmingham Hospitals specialising for nineteen years in a rehabilitation setting with patients following Strokes, Parkinson’s Disease, Motor Neurones, Multiple Sclerosis, and Orthopaedics (gained a Diploma in Orthopaedics 1974) Lynn also worked as a continence liaison Nurse. Lynn maintains her link with the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital, as she is the Secretary to the Nurses and Physiotherapist League.[/boxibt]
