By Catherine Keattch

I have chosen to illustrate the use of Vibrational Medicine with the following case history, because it is a typical example of how this form of treatment can help people. It clearly indicates how working with the fundamental issues in a situation can lead to greater emotional, mental and physical well being.

All true healing is about raising the consciousness of the individual to higher levels of self-awareness and self-empowerment. This involves a process of helping people to find their own answers from within themselves. Using Vibrational Medicine is a very safe and effective way of doing this.

Lets look at the case history of a lady that we will call Joan (this is not her real name). Joan originally contacted me because she wanted help with her inability to communicate. However, it quickly became apparent that there were several complex issues in her life that she felt unable to resolve.


Three years previously she had had breast cancer that had been treated by mastectomy and radiation treatment. She was clearly afraid that this could return in some form, although all was apparently well physically.

Just prior to the cancer her marriage had broken up and her husband had left the family home to live with another women. There had been no discussion around this and the issues were still unresolved.

She had also been made aware through hypnosis of some early childhood sexual abuse, which she had not as yet dealt with at an emotional level.


When I first met Joan she had just turned fifty. It had clearly been quite difficult for her to decide to seek help but there was a determination in her to resolve her problems. She found it extremely difficult to talk about herself – she was obviously afraid and there were often long silences while she mentally rehearsed what she was going to say – her speech was often very quick with words and sentences incomplete as though she wanted to get it over with. She was very emotional and cried very easily.

She recognized that throughout her life she had always hidden away from contact with others – often avoiding social situations where she might be asked questions etc. She also recognized that she was afraid of people knowing what she was thinking. These had also been childhood issues, as she had lived a rather isolated life and did not talk properly until she was four years old. School had been difficult and she was very concerned about her inability to read, write and spell as well as she would like.

Underlying issues that were clearly important and related, were her relationship with her grown up children who were still living at home – especially the eldest who was very dependent and controlling.

There were obvious issues of co-dependency, which were now being highlighted by the absence of her husband.


During the time that I worked with Joan her sessions always involved an opportunity for her to express how she was feeling and what had been happening for her, some counselling, a healing session and vibrational essences for her to take in the weeks following the session. Consultations were at approx. three week intervals over a twelve month period.

The vibrational essences that I use in my healing work are made from the natural energies of flowers, gems, minerals and crystals. I divide these into two categories – firstly, Bach Flower Remedies and secondly, the many newer flower, gem and crystal essences from around the world. It is particularly from this second group that one is able to find essences that will facilitate deeper healing within an individual by allowing them access to deep unconscious mental and emotional patterns, thereby allowing a more complete healing to take place. For some people who are ready, this also opens the way for past life memories to come back into consciousness.

Joan was therefore given combinations of Bach Flower remedies to help her to deal with general everyday balance, together with other combinations of flower, gem and crystal essences to help to heal the underlying issues that were causing her problems. I have primarily focused on the second group of essences in this case history but will also briefly mention the Bach Flower remedies that were most used.

Joan’s Bach Flower combinations consistently contained Agrimony, Chicory, Centuary, Mimulus & Pine, while Scleranthus, Red Chestnut, Walnut, Rock Rose and White Chestnut were some of the others that were frequent helpers. She took these combinations of 7 or 8 Bach Flower remedies 8 x a day and found them a great help to keep her balanced during the time she worked on the deeper issues revealed by the other essences.

The biggest issue that seemed relevant at our first session was the distress that Joan was feeling related to the unresolved issues with her husband. It was clear that she had many unexpressed emotions relating to these issues that were making it impossible for her to reach any clear decisions.

I therefore decided to start our work together with a bottle of Letting Go combination. The four essences in this combination; Bleeding Heart, Sunflower, Corn & Cleaver work together to release deep emotional pain caused through grief and separation, thus allowing controlling tendencies with their roots in neediness to be understood and released. This brings the freedom of relative detachment to all concerned in a situation, thereby allowing the opportunity for new choices.

Joan found this combination very helpful as it allowed many unexpressed emotions to be slowly released, offering her some insight into her state of emotional dependency and her relationships with men in general. It also brought into focus the need to work with the emotional issues relating to the childhood sexual abuse.

I therefore decided to work next with a Healing Abuse combination. The essences in this combination; Larimar, White Chicory, Calla Lily & Roses – Irene of Denmark & Peace are focused to help clear and release memories of the shock and trauma of physical and sexual abuse.

Taking this combination was a profoundly helpful process for Joan as it unlocked many hidden emotions and feelings related to that early childhood time that she had been unable to remember for herself. She recognized that many of her difficulties in childhood and later adult life, stemmed from an unconscious feeling that she must keep things secret and hidden from other people. She also saw that this had particularly affected her ability to express herself verbally throughout her entire life, particularly in relations with men. She became very aware of how afraid she actually was of voicing her thoughts, needs and emotions.

Her next essences were a combination of Lapis Lazuli, Aquamarine, Ruby & Clear Quartz. The focus here was on helping her to clear away her deep fears around self-expression and also to open the heart and balance the solar plexus.

It became obvious when Joan came for her next session that changes were beginning to take place within her and that these were being reflected in her outer life. She was able to express what was going on for her with more clarity and greater confidence. She reported that she had arranged some tuition to help her with her reading and writing skills, and that she had decided to put the family house on the market so that she could look to making a new start in a different place. She also expressed her fears and anxieties that she would not be strong enough to carry through this change of lifestyle by herself. It therefore seemed that the time had arrived to work with some of her underlying fears.

To achieve this she next took a powerful combination of deep acting fear essences including, St. John’s Wort, Fig, Aventurine & Garlic (Inner Calm). The insights gained here allowed her to see that these were old fears that really had no relationship to her real circumstances in life.

From this time on Joan made great progress, completing the process of selling her house and moving to a nearby town, while also taking on a new job that involved communication and organizational skills.

One of the greatest issues that Joan faced in this process was that of finding her own inner resources and strength, while also learning to recognize and re- evaluate her own boundaries with the world and those around her. Two of the combinations that Joan took that were particularly helpful in bringing healing and insight with these issues were the Solar Plexus Chakra combination and the Inner Strength combination.

The essences in the Solar Plexus combination; Pearl, Moonstone, Rose of Sharon and Buttercup help to bring balance to the emotional response of an individual by allowing a gradual release of the emotional pressure and tension that can build up inside people who find it difficult to express their emotions. As balance is restored in this area there is usually a great sense of freedom from the recognition that there are choices of how to react to your own and others emotions.

For some people it is the first time that they have been able to differentiate between their own emotions and those of others.

This was the case for Joan, who was able to see more clearly the control dramas that were going on in her life and to make changes in the way she reacted. The result of this was not only of great benefit to herself but also for those close to her, as the changes offered them the opportunity of a different perspective from which to work.

We continued to work with these and other issues in her life in a similar way over a period of time using different essences.

Slowly but surely Joan lost her fears of communicating with others as she regained her sense of self-value and began to define herself in relation to the world around her. She began to take responsibility for herself and to recognize that she had choices, which allowed new opportunities to come into her life.

Several years have passed and Joan has gone from strength to strength, returning occasionally during this time for more healing and essences.

She is pleased and delighted with her own progress, most of all because she feels that she has been set free and feels empowered to create a new life for herself. Perhaps most importantly, she also knows from deep within herself that she has healed the underlying issues that caused her cancer and that she need no longer fear that it will return.

[boxibt style=”success”]About the Author

Catherine Keattch
Course Coordinator
College of Vibrational Medicine.

The College of Vibrational Medicine was formed by a group of complimentary practitioners in East Anglia in the early 1990’s to bring greater awareness to the spiritual science of vibrational medicine.

Catherine Keattch is now the course coordinator and vibrational essence tutor for the College. She lives in Norfolk with her partner Colin Burbridge who was one of the co-creators of the C.V.M.
Catherine and Colin are both vibrational medicine practitioners, healers and spiritual teachers. They are partners in Crystal Herbs – makers of flower, gem & crystal essences.

The College runs courses both in London and Norfolk
For more information please contact;
The College of Vibrational Medicine,
Rectory Road
IP22 5UX.
Tel/Fax: 01379 677869
[boxibt style=”gray”]Further Information:

Treatment; If you would like further information on this form of treatment please contact us at the College of Vibrational Medicine for our list of qualified practitioners.

Training; The College of Vibrational Medicine offers a two-year part time diploma course, providing accredited practitioner training in flower, gem and crystal essence therapy.

We also hold regular weekend workshops in vibrational medicine.
All courses are held in London, although weekend workshops can be arranged for groups in other locations on request.
[boxibt style=”success”]Vibrational Essences

If you would like more information on the essences used in this case history or on vibrational essences in general please contact:-
Crystal Herbs at:
1D Gilray Road
IP22 4EU.
Tel: 01379 677869
Fax: 01379 641980,
